Monday, June 9, 2008

Bumbo Seat

Do all of you know the wonders of the Bumbo-seat?

I just love this little green thing!!!!!

4 1/2 months and so much has changed!

I am 4 1/2 months now, and so much has changed! I am falling asleep on my own now - in record time to be quite honest.... and, I am not sleeping in my car seat inside my crib - nope, I'm a big boy now! Mommy and Daddy learned from the Dr. that it was time to do "sleep training" at my 4 month check-up, so I figured I should comply.

Also, I am eating "solid" food - if you can call it that. I started with cereal 2 weeks ago, and this weekend Mommy gave me sweet potato deliciousness... so, I'm not as hungry all the time and much more pleasant to be around :)